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Business Case & Delivery Plan Development

Jonathan Turton

Towns need to develop strong business cases to secure funding once the TIP is approved. We are here to support you in building robust business cases that meet the required criteria and place your projects in a strong position for funding and delivery.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • support on each of the five cases from our topic experts: strategic, economic, commercial, financial, and management

  • business case development planning, advice, and early strategic reviews

  • online tools, guides and training for writing robust Business Cases

  • provision of two-day Better Business Case training course with an accredited trainer

  • help to understand the level of certainty required throughout the Business Case development and how best to address uncertainty

  • review and evaluation of project deliverability

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Service Lead: Jonathan Turton

Jonathan currently leads the Transport and Social Infrastructure Sector team within BIACM for the UKIMEA region.

Prior to joining Arup in May 2018, Jonathan spent 20 years at KPMG, the last 5 as a Director within KPMG’s Infrastructure Advisory Group. Based in Leeds, he has responsibility for the IAG team across the north and the Transport Major Projects business nationally, advising on high-profile projects like Mersey Gateway, Leeds NGT, Manchester Metrolink and the Silvertown Tunnel for TfL.

With a focus on transport and infrastructure projects, Jonathan provides strategic, commercial and financial advice and evaluation of public and private sector infrastructure projects. He has written technical white papers on PPP toll road projects for the Texan Department of Transportation (TxDoT) in the US that kick-started its PPP programme, as well as various project structuring and development pieces, being quoted in the trade press on numerous occasions.

Jonathan authored KPMG’s response to Her Majesty’s Treasury on the 2010 PFI review. Jonathan has recently been invited to join the Infrastructure Forum Advisory Council and sits on the Infrastructure Forum’s regions working group and innovative finance working group. He authored the Forum’s response to the Autumn Statement in 2014.

For all resources relating to Business Cases, please see our Business Case Resource page.

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Data Services and Monitoring and Evaluation

Rob Turner

Monitoring and evaluation are of critical importance to the Towns Fund, helping you to not only understand and communicate the difference that your projects have made but also in terms of learning lessons around what has worked and why to inform future interventions and investment.  This service will help you think through both the data you should use to monitor and evaluate your programmes as well as the range of different evaluation methodologies you should consider.  Having worked closely with DLUHC in the development of the Towns Fund Monitoring and Evaluation framework, the type of support we can offer includes:

  • tools and training in various methods of baselining, data analytics and evaluation

  • ‘health checks’ on your current plans in relation to monitoring and evaluation

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars in relation to monitoring and evaluation designed and delivered online

  • advice around how monitoring and evaluation can be used to support engagement with your Town Board and wider local stakeholders


Service Lead: Rob Turner

Rob plays a lead role in Grant Thornton's Public Services consulting team. He brings particular expertise in the analysis of large quantitative and qualitative data, with the explicit purpose of deriving intelligent insight to inform service delivery, make the case for investment and to drive performance improvement.

Rob has led major studies for Central Government (e.g. Evaluation of the 2012 Olympic Games Legacy, Review of the UK Steel Industry, Delivery of the Growth Accelerator and Manufacturing Advisory Services) as well as extensive work at the local and sub-regional level (e.g. Greater Brighton Devolution Deal, Heart of South West LEP Productivity Plan, Economic Appraisal of a new university in Milton Keynes and an analysis of the functional economic area of Humber LEP). Rob leads the delivery of our proprietary analytics platforms Place Analytics, CFO Insights and Supply Chain Insights.

These tools are used by over 100 local authorities in England and help to underpin the consulting work we deliver in the public sector. Alongside this, Rob has authored much of Grant Thornton’s thought leadership around places including the Sustainable Growth Index and a recent report for the County Council Network on place-based growth.

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Environmental Monitoring & Impact Analysis

Kerry Whalley

One of the overarching objectives of the Towns Fund is clean growth. It is therefore likely that many projects included in TIPs will require sustainability reviews, environmental monitoring and environmental impact analysis. We are here to support you on your project alignment with clean growth principles, targeted training and support on designing monitoring surveys, reviewing environmental impact and risk management.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online

  • stakeholder mapping and other analysis support

  • preparation of carbon assessment activities

  • support on carrying out baseline surveys and best practice for environmental monitoring

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Service Lead: Kerry Whalley

Kerry Whalley specialises in EIA, stakeholder engagement and Project Management for infrastructure projects. She has over 19 years’ experience in the power and engineering consultancy industries and has delivered numerous Environmental Impact Assessments and other supporting documents for major and complex planning applications, specialising in Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects.

Kerry’s focus on major projects is on the delivery of solutions to environmental and planning challenges. With extensive experience in stakeholder consultation for major, sometimes controversial, projects, Kerry understands the need to present technical information in a way that is understandable to the public, and ensure they are comfortable presenting their views.

Kerry is also Inclusive Growth Ambassador for Leeds City Council, working closely with them to challenge and promote the work they are undertaking in relation to infrastructure development within the City.

Recent Lectures or conference keynotes: Environmental Impact Assessment for Infrastructure Projects Masterclass in July 2019, around climate change and health impact assessment in EIA.

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Financial Strategy and Advice

Wayne Butcher

Part of developing robust Business Cases will include forming a strong Financial Case which assesses the affordability of the investment. We are here to support you in financial modelling, funding strategies, and business cases.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • financial modelling workshops

  • advice on funding strategies, linked with your commercial case (delivery structures, funding mechanisms, soft market testing)

  • advice on financial assumptions and parameters such as inflation, cost allowance, risk and other key issues

  • advice on the treatment of co-funding and private sector funding

  • advice on how to shape your narrative around the financial case, including private sector engagement

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online


Service Lead: Wayne Butcher

Wayne Butcher (Grant Thornton UK LLP) is the principal lead of providing specialist funding and investment advice to Towns, including guidance on delivery structures, funding options and risk management.

Wayne specialises in the delivery of engagements to local and central government across property including housing, leisure, and mixed-use development schemes, and has led work in respect to the procurement, funder evaluations, financial modelling, corporate structuring, and corporate tax input.

Wayne led a £650m fundraise for City Property Glasgow LLP, the wholly owned subsidiary of Glasgow City Council. The fundraise was delivered to aid the Council to meet an equal pay liability and has been structured in a manner to maximise the funds that could be secured using the property assets of the subsidiary and the Council. Wayne has led work in respect to the procurement, funder evaluations, financial modelling, corporate structuring, and corporate tax input. The work completed in November 2019.

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Leadership and Governance

Jane Healey-Brown

Delivering public services with high-quality governance is key to planning and delivering a transformational TIP and projects. We are here to support you in optimising organisation, ways of working, and service and technology design, ensuring that the services you provide, and the delivery of your plans are future-ready.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • access to self-assessment tools for organisational maturity assessments

  • review or design of delivery plans and associated capacity building

  • leadership development for your Board, officers or project leads

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online


Service Lead: Jane Healey-Brown

Jane Healey Brown is a Director and leads Arup’s Planning business in North West and Yorkshire.  In the first phase of the Towns Fund Delivery Partner work, she led the Towns Team North, providing focused support for 45 of the towns.  She also provided oversight of the more intensive support packages across all 101 towns, including liaison with CLGU.  She worked with Town Deal Boards, local authority officers and CLGU Area Leads in developing proactive programmes to support towns in achieving successful Town Investment Plans and project delivery programmes.

Jane is a Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute, Planning and Housing Commissioner for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Visiting Professor at the University of Liverpool and a Non Executive Director of a housing association. She specialises in policy, planning and support for local and combined authorities.

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Local Community Engagement, Consultation & Stakeholder Management

Pippa Gibbs-Joubert

Stakeholder engagement remains important during business case development and project delivery, and a clear communications plan is crucial to identifying key messages relevant to your identified stakeholder groups at different phases of project development whilst setting out a strategy for engaging with these groups. We are here to support on developing communication plans, stakeholder engagement, and monitoring and evaluation.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • identifying stakeholders for specific projects

  • developing and supporting implementation of your communications plan

  • running workshops to help identify and assess engagement options

  • Co-developing stakeholder engagement strategies to build awareness and understanding

  • Support building stakeholder networks to maintain engagement through project delivery and beyond

  • consideration of metrics to inform project monitoring and evaluation

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online


Service Lead: Pippa Gibbs-Joubert

Pippa is a specialist communications and engagement strategist for major development and infrastructure projects, working at the heart of multi-disciplinary teams to build understanding and consensus, secure funding, and take projects through planning and into delivery.

She works on projects that contribute to regional economic development – focusing on early stakeholder engagement and communications. She has a flair for shaping creative communications campaigns and compelling narratives that reflect the ambition of projects while drawing out meaning for the press, the public and politicians.

She works across the transport, energy and development sectors for local and combined authorities, major infrastructure developers and private firms. Her recent work includes designing and delivering communications, consultation, and engagement for some of the country’s first major hydrogen propositions, transport decarbonisation plans and mass transit solutions.

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Local Economic Development, Education and Skills

Tom Bridges

Your projects should be embedded within the context of an evidence-based local economic development strategy to maximise impact. Furthermore, we are here to support you in understanding how your projects can consider future learning, skills development, and employment opportunities.

We are here to support you to better understand the context, needs, strengths and opportunities in your town and translate your TIP into a robust business case. Appropriate evaluation of your investment programme will also be essential to understanding whether you have realised your intended strategic objectives.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • context assessments, research and analysis using data analysis, GIS and spatial analysis

  • baselining workshops and statistical skills support, including training and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data of the primary economic and labour market factors

  • market analysis and foresight workshops

  • support in designing and developing tailored projects and programmes for e.g. business support, innovation, inward investment and skills

  • developing and workshopping evaluation frameworks

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online

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Service Lead: Tom Bridges

Tom is an experienced professional in town and city strategies, urban and regional policy and planning, transport, economic development, economic analysis, regeneration, and town and city operations. He is a thought leader with strong communication skills and a track record of delivery, working across the public and private sectors.He is a chartered member of the RTPI.

Tom leads Arup’s Cities Advisory practice, advising on town, city and regional strategies for economic development, inclusive growth, infrastructure, skills and innovation. He supports clients on funding and finance, socio-economic advice, housing growth, regeneration programmes and town and city strategies.

Tom has 22 years' professional experience and re-joined Arup in January 2018. He was Chief Officer for Economy and Regeneration of Leeds City Council from 2012-2018, leading the policy, business support, tourism and inward investment, city and town centre management, markets, property, and regeneration functions. Tom was with Arup from 1999-2012, leading the Planning, Policy and Economics practice in the North of England. He advised on several town-based economic strategies for MHCLG. He started his career with London First, the business-led policy group for the capital.

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Planning, Social Impact & Public Sector Equalities Analyses

Chloe Salisbury

Many projects will require wider planning considerations, and this will need to be translated within your business cases, as well as considered during project delivery. We are here to support you in planning strategies, delivery requirements, land value and delivery models and process of planning applications. The team also has expertise on EqIA and social impact and can support you with analysis and assessment, ensuring equitable and inclusive outcomes. Our advice can help bolster your approach to Public Sector Equalities Duty and help consider the programme-level impacts from individual projects.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • review workshops on planning-related issues with written feedback and outcomes

  • hands-on assistance and review of relevant planning issues

  • training on social impact and EqIA

  • review programme plans and Business Cases to help ensure they are realistic in timescales for planning-related activities

  • support with data collection and analysis to ensure the Public Sector Equalities Duty are discharged

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online

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Service Lead: Chloe Salisbury

Chloe is an experienced town planner who specialises in the preparation of plans, strategies and masterplans, and developing implementation strategies for development projects. Her work typically involves undertaking complex stakeholder engagement, critically analysing data and policy to inform decision-making and facilitating and influencing the views of multiple parties.

Chloe has worked for both public and private sector clients, including a recent secondment to Epping Forest District Council to support them in the preparation of their Local Plan. Her work has also focussed on how aspirations for places can be realised, including assessing the suitability of different governance and delivery models (e.g. development corporations, the role of local authorities) and in devising planning strategies to unlock and deliver developments. This includes providing planning related inputs for business cases.

Whilst based in London, much of Chloe’s work is based outside of the capital including, for example, in the Thames Estuary, Bucks/Berkshire, Essex, the East Midlands and Liverpool. She therefore brings a good understanding of the complexity of different places and the importance of developing tailored and place-focused strategies.

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Project and Programme Management

Alistair Godbold

The TIP and Business Cases are just the start of the Towns Fund journey, the true impact and benefits for your town appear when your projects are completed. We are here to support you in thinking ahead to project delivery and lay the foundations for your future success in your Business Cases and in your preparations.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • providing you with a project and programme management viewpoint when developing your Business Cases, particularly the management case

  • supporting your preparation for successful project initiation and project delivery

  • helping you to identify the team and capabilities you’ll need to deliver

  • providing capability development, coaching, and mentoring for project/programme management and sponsorship

  • linking you and your Town Deal Board with local APM members who can bring their local knowledge and professional experience

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online



Service Lead: Alistair Godbold

Alistair is a leading professional in project and programme management. Alistair has been a long-standing member of the Association for Project Management (APM), has been Deputy Chair of the Board, and in 2014 was made an Honorary Fellow for his significant contribution to project management. He has also served as a director of the Major Projects Association (MPA) and is currently the UK Council Member on the International Project Management Association (IPMA).

Alistair brings 35 years of experience in programme management and controls and is an expert in assurance, intelligent clienting, and capability development.  He is keen to help you ensure your projects have the right environment to deliver, and the right mechanisms in place to realise their benefits.

Alistair has particular experience of training and mentoring for a large number of junior and senior project professionals and has contributed to many books and wrote part of the IPMA Competence Baseline for Project Management. He can help you and your team to hone your skills to deliver for your towns.

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Project Adjustment

Margaret Kalaugher

Towns will need to conduct programme re-prioritisation to decide which projects to take forward to the Business Case stage once they’ve received their funding allocation from MHCLG. You will likely also go through optioneering — deciding which options or iterations of your projects is the preferred option. We are here to support you with this decision making process through 1-1 sessions based on your individual needs.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • quantitative assessment tools and models alongside tailored support or workshops

  • hosting workshops or providing methods and models for prioritisation and optioneering

  • independent support for project re-prioritisation to ensure the process has been applied appropriately and with transparency

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online


Service Lead: Margaret Kalaugher

Margaret (known as “Mags") joined Nichols Group in 2019. She is highly skilled at bringing key people together to promote collaboration and secure informed and considered decisions on transport and regeneration schemes. She thrives in complex environments involving multiple stakeholders.

Mags has worked with leaders and decision makers across many different organisations at both a political and technical level. She has extensive experience of sponsorship, business case making and lobbying, and stepping in to solve problems and resolve points of contention between disparate organisations.

Mags has extensive stakeholder management experience. She has built strong relationships, for example whilst in Transport for London (TfL) and the Greater London Authority (GLA). She has worked with central Government, regional and devolved government, and local authorities; regularly and effectively interacting with the Mayor of London, Deputy Mayors, Senior Parliamentarians, Borough Leaders and Chief Executives, as well as senior managers and officers from government departments including HM Treasury, Department for Transport (DfT), Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), GLA, Network Rail and developers.

Mags has also worked collaboratively with County Councils, sub-national Transport Bodies, Local Enterprise Partnerships and boroughs outside London. Her effectiveness is built on strong client programme management, strategic and analytical thinking, problem solving, negotiating and influencing skills.

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Property, Housing and Development

Danny Collins

Understanding your local property market can be fundamental to delivering regeneration, transport and economic development projects. We are here to support you in providing insight and technical advice on residential, retail, leisure and commercial property markets for your town.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • providing forward-looking property market insight updates to identify future trends and opportunities relevant to you

  • understand the local retail, leisure, residential and commercial markets and levels of demand, oversupply, and potential for repurposing and change of use

  • help you understand the likely market appetite for proposed projects with research and review of comparable schemes

  • explore opportunities for future delivery partners to secure wider regeneration and placemaking benefits

  • advice on approaches and methodologies related to assessments of existing land values and Land Value Uplift potential which can form a key element of the Value for Money assessment, including how to appropriately apply DLUHC and the Green Book guidance to these assessments

  • advice on financial assumptions and allowances such as rents, rent free periods, yields, development contingency, optimism bias, inflation, and so forth

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online

Service Lead: Danny Collins

Danny is a Director in the Savills Economics team with over 16 years experience of economic research and analysis. As a town centre and regeneration specialist, Danny has led on the development of ambitious Town Investment Plans for places as diverse as Newark and Workington; developed successful a Future High Street Funding bid for Farnworth; led on the preparation of full business cases for five town centre projects in Bolton; and provided detailed market analysis, identified opportunities, and provided delivery advice to a range of towns in developing their Town Fund prospects including Runcorn, Redcar, Telford, Cheadle, Kings Lynn, Crewe, and Southport. Danny has also led on the Levelling Up plans for a number of places securing over £60 million during Round 1. Danny is currently developing the Future Market Strategy for Liverpool, and has helped develop the investment case for Renascence CMK in Milton Keynes. He also developed an ambitious Low carbon transformation plan for the Ellesmere Port Industrial Area and has worked on some of the largest infrastructure projects in the UK including Growth Strategies for multiple HS2 stations, Trans Pennine Tunnel, OxCam Expressway, and East West Rail.

Danny and the wider Savills team can provide detailed property market insight, options analysis, land value assessment, and delivery strategy advice, including CPO and other acquisition or partnership strategies.

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Regeneration, Public Realm, Place Design & Built Environment

Peter Neckelmann

For many of you, the built environment will be at the heart of your projects, and the town centre requires consideration in all deals. Furthermore, a well-designed and managed public realm can be an engine for one of the most precious parts of a thriving community – its social capital. We are here to support you in achieving a holistic and integrated spatial solution to your projects; our team includes urban designers, landscape architects and architects, amongst others, who can support your thinking on making the most of these projects.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • access to support material and guidance on world-class design principles

  • design charrettes or review workshops on town proposals with experts

  • workshops to develop design objectives and visions for projects

  • hands-on advice and support on issues such as options development, refining project design, defining outcomes and design narratives

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online

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Service Lead: Peter Neckelmann

Peter is an Architect and Urban Designer and has practiced professionally for 12 years. He has global experience with projects focussed particularly in the UK, Europe and Asia. As an Associate in Arup’s Integrated City Planning group, Peter frequently leads large, complex projects requiring the inter-disciplinary coordination between urban design, architecture, landscape, transport, engineering and sustainability. He has extensive experience in strategic framework development, masterplanning and local urban design solutions for both the private and public sectors.

Peter’s projects focus on the development of resilient places that deliver positive spatial, social and economic outcomes. He works in both urban and rural settings, including post-industrial brownfield sites, as well as greenfield sites. Much of his recent work looks at the integration of regional and national transport infrastructure and how it contributes to regeneration and meaningful placemaking.

Before joining Arup, Peter worked in offices such as Field Operations in New York City, and CEBRA in Aarhus, Denmark. His work has won awards and has been exhibited in Copenhagen, London, Beijing and the Venice Biennale, and has been published in several international publications.

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