Leadership and Governance

Delivering public services with high-quality governance is key to planning and delivering a transformational TIP and projects. We are here to support you in optimising organisation, ways of working, and service and technology design, ensuring that the services you provide, and the delivery of your plans are future-ready.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • access to self-assessment tools for organisational maturity assessments

  • review or design of delivery plans and associated capacity building

  • leadership development for your Board, officers or project leads

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online


Service Lead: Jane Healey-Brown

Jane Healey Brown is a Director and leads Arup’s Planning business in North West and Yorkshire.  In the first phase of the Towns Fund Delivery Partner work, she led the Towns Team North, providing focused support for 45 of the towns.  She also provided oversight of the more intensive support packages across all 101 towns, including liaison with CLGU.  She worked with Town Deal Boards, local authority officers and CLGU Area Leads in developing proactive programmes to support towns in achieving successful Town Investment Plans and project delivery programmes.

Jane is a Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute, Planning and Housing Commissioner for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Visiting Professor at the University of Liverpool and a Non Executive Director of a housing association. She specialises in policy, planning and support for local and combined authorities.


Financial Strategy and Advice


Local Community Engagement, Consultation & Stakeholder Management