Guidance: Stage 2 Business Case Documentation, Templates and M&E Indicators

Towns are required to develop a Business Case for each project and submit summary documentation to DLUHC. This guidance covers the development and appraisal of Business Cases for Town Deals, and other requirements related to project development and submission of a Summary Document.

  • Annex A: Project Confirmation Table needs to be approved and signed off by both the Town Deal Board Chair and the accountable body’s Chief Executive or the s151 officer before being submitted.

  • Annex A1: Financial Profile should be completed to clarify the indicative financial profile of your Town and submitted to DLUHC when confirming projects, two months after receiving Heads of Terms

  • Annex C: Summary Document template must be completed and submitted to DLUHC for each project, as soon as they are ready and within 12 months of agreeing Heads of Terms.

  • Annex 2: M&E Plan template must be completed and submitted to DLUHC for each project, as soon as they are ready and within 12 months of agreeing Heads of Terms.

NB: Stage 2 ‘Business Case Development’ is now complete and all Town Deals are now in Delivery. Town Deal recipients were required to submit their business case documentation to the Department by the 31st of March 2023. All business case documentation was signed off by the Department by the 31st of July 2023. See the historic resources linked below for reference:


Panel of Brilliant People presentation


Pipeline Tracking Routemap