Project Adjustment

Towns will need to conduct programme re-prioritisation to decide which projects to take forward to the Business Case stage once they’ve received their funding allocation from MHCLG. You will likely also go through optioneering — deciding which options or iterations of your projects is the preferred option. We are here to support you with this decision making process through 1-1 sessions based on your individual needs.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • quantitative assessment tools and models alongside tailored support or workshops

  • hosting workshops or providing methods and models for prioritisation and optioneering

  • independent support for project re-prioritisation to ensure the process has been applied appropriately and with transparency

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online


Service Lead: Margaret Kalaugher

Margaret (known as “Mags") joined Nichols Group in 2019. She is highly skilled at bringing key people together to promote collaboration and secure informed and considered decisions on transport and regeneration schemes. She thrives in complex environments involving multiple stakeholders.

Mags has worked with leaders and decision makers across many different organisations at both a political and technical level. She has extensive experience of sponsorship, business case making and lobbying, and stepping in to solve problems and resolve points of contention between disparate organisations.

Mags has extensive stakeholder management experience. She has built strong relationships, for example whilst in Transport for London (TfL) and the Greater London Authority (GLA). She has worked with central Government, regional and devolved government, and local authorities; regularly and effectively interacting with the Mayor of London, Deputy Mayors, Senior Parliamentarians, Borough Leaders and Chief Executives, as well as senior managers and officers from government departments including HM Treasury, Department for Transport (DfT), Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), GLA, Network Rail and developers.

Mags has also worked collaboratively with County Councils, sub-national Transport Bodies, Local Enterprise Partnerships and boroughs outside London. Her effectiveness is built on strong client programme management, strategic and analytical thinking, problem solving, negotiating and influencing skills.

Related Resources


Project and Programme Management


Property, Housing and Development