Panel Discussion: 'The Post Covid Recovery'


Covid-19 has impacted towns across the country, who are now facing a set of challenges on an unprecedented scale. The effects of Covid-19 have been felt directly by all towns and the long-term implications for towns are still unknown. This recorded session provided towns with the tools, knowledge, and context they need to understand the future impacts of Covid-19 and what they can do to address this in their TIPs. The panel involved topic experts in the following fields; Health and Wellbeing, Innovation and Digital, Education and Skills, and Urban Regeneration. This recorded session helped shape towns thinking and provided them with the tools to understand the impacts of Covid-19 on their town and how their strategy and prioritization can help address these in their TIP.

About the speakers:

The panel was made up from experts across a number of key related topics.

Tom Bridges (Vision and Strategy), who chaired the session, is a director of cities advisory and an experienced professional in town and city strategies, operations and regeneration.

Richard Hadfield is our Education and Skills expert, who provided an insight into job creation, skills and training interventions.

Will Cavendish (Innovation and Digital) provided expertise on the future trends in digital transformation and how to deliver change in this area.

Katie Wood is an Health and Wellbeing expert who advised on how the built environment can improve health and wellbeing at a city level.


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