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Five Points for Growth in a Single Sector/Employer Economy

Having a major anchor employer or sectors has its challenges and opportunities. In this short guide, we set out some key considerations and strategies for towns in this position.

Shocks to the economy bring the spotlight on economic resilience - from the effect of Covid-19 or the financial crisis - shocks remind us of the risks of places that rely on a single sector or employer. Resilience in the economy might mean having access to a variety of sectors, businesses, and employers that are performing well in their own right or ensuring that the dominant sector’s supply chain can diversify and pivot. Towns up and down the country face this challenge, either through one major infrastructure employer (such as a port or energy facility) or those which have felt the effects of decline in certain manufacturing sectors.

Having a major anchor employer or sectors has its challenges and opportunities. In this short guide, we set out some key considerations and strategies for towns in this position.

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Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Inclusive Growth Guidance

This short guide introduces the topic of Inclusive Growth, explaining what it is and how it can be applied to Town Investment Plans.

‘Inclusive growth is economic growth that is distributed fairly across society and creates opportunities for all’

This short guide introduces the topic of Inclusive Growth, explaining what it is and how it can be applied to Town Investment Plans. It provides practical advice and case studies on how to account for Inclusive Growth within the Towns Fund context.

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What opportunities can ports bring to our towns?

In this video, our panel of experts discuss the opportunities that ports can bring to towns, as well as how towns can harness these.

The Maritime Sector is larger than other comparable transport industries in the UK, including Rail and Aerospace, and is only marginally smaller than the Road Transport industry. About 20 of the Towns Fund towns have a port, and all have an important part to play in our economy, whether that be supplying jobs or GVA contribution. We would like to form a working group amongst towns that have a port to enable learning, knowledge sharing and to work with our team of experts. In this video, Tom Bridges chats to four of our experts to understand the opportunities that ports can bring to towns, as well as how towns can harness these.

Our speakers include Borbala Trifunovics and Clon Ulrick from Arup’s Maritime Team, Arthur Smart from Arup’s Urban Design Team, and Kieron Hyams from Arup’s Planning Team. Kieron has also written a blog to outline the opportunities that ports can bring to towns.

We hope you enjoy the video and get in touch with your town coordinator if you would like a bespoke session with our experts or if you would like to be part of a working group.

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Panel Discussion: 'The Post Covid Recovery'


Covid-19 has impacted towns across the country, who are now facing a set of challenges on an unprecedented scale. The effects of Covid-19 have been felt directly by all towns and the long-term implications for towns are still unknown. This recorded session provided towns with the tools, knowledge, and context they need to understand the future impacts of Covid-19 and what they can do to address this in their TIPs. The panel involved topic experts in the following fields; Health and Wellbeing, Innovation and Digital, Education and Skills, and Urban Regeneration. This recorded session helped shape towns thinking and provided them with the tools to understand the impacts of Covid-19 on their town and how their strategy and prioritization can help address these in their TIP.

About the speakers:

The panel was made up from experts across a number of key related topics.

Tom Bridges (Vision and Strategy), who chaired the session, is a director of cities advisory and an experienced professional in town and city strategies, operations and regeneration.

Richard Hadfield is our Education and Skills expert, who provided an insight into job creation, skills and training interventions.

Will Cavendish (Innovation and Digital) provided expertise on the future trends in digital transformation and how to deliver change in this area.

Katie Wood is an Health and Wellbeing expert who advised on how the built environment can improve health and wellbeing at a city level.

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