Planning, Social Impact & Public Sector Equalities Analyses

Many projects will require wider planning considerations, and this will need to be translated within your business cases, as well as considered during project delivery. We are here to support you in planning strategies, delivery requirements, land value and delivery models and process of planning applications. The team also has expertise on EqIA and social impact and can support you with analysis and assessment, ensuring equitable and inclusive outcomes. Our advice can help bolster your approach to Public Sector Equalities Duty and help consider the programme-level impacts from individual projects.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • review workshops on planning-related issues with written feedback and outcomes

  • hands-on assistance and review of relevant planning issues

  • training on social impact and EqIA

  • review programme plans and Business Cases to help ensure they are realistic in timescales for planning-related activities

  • support with data collection and analysis to ensure the Public Sector Equalities Duty are discharged

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online

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Service Lead: Chloe Salisbury

Chloe is an experienced town planner who specialises in the preparation of plans, strategies and masterplans, and developing implementation strategies for development projects. Her work typically involves undertaking complex stakeholder engagement, critically analysing data and policy to inform decision-making and facilitating and influencing the views of multiple parties.

Chloe has worked for both public and private sector clients, including a recent secondment to Epping Forest District Council to support them in the preparation of their Local Plan. Her work has also focussed on how aspirations for places can be realised, including assessing the suitability of different governance and delivery models (e.g. development corporations, the role of local authorities) and in devising planning strategies to unlock and deliver developments. This includes providing planning related inputs for business cases.

Whilst based in London, much of Chloe’s work is based outside of the capital including, for example, in the Thames Estuary, Bucks/Berkshire, Essex, the East Midlands and Liverpool. She therefore brings a good understanding of the complexity of different places and the importance of developing tailored and place-focused strategies.


Local Economic Development, Education and Skills


Project and Programme Management