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Five Points for Growth in a Single Sector/Employer Economy

Having a major anchor employer or sectors has its challenges and opportunities. In this short guide, we set out some key considerations and strategies for towns in this position.

Shocks to the economy bring the spotlight on economic resilience - from the effect of Covid-19 or the financial crisis - shocks remind us of the risks of places that rely on a single sector or employer. Resilience in the economy might mean having access to a variety of sectors, businesses, and employers that are performing well in their own right or ensuring that the dominant sector’s supply chain can diversify and pivot. Towns up and down the country face this challenge, either through one major infrastructure employer (such as a port or energy facility) or those which have felt the effects of decline in certain manufacturing sectors.

Having a major anchor employer or sectors has its challenges and opportunities. In this short guide, we set out some key considerations and strategies for towns in this position.

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Inclusive Growth Guidance

This short guide introduces the topic of Inclusive Growth, explaining what it is and how it can be applied to Town Investment Plans.

‘Inclusive growth is economic growth that is distributed fairly across society and creates opportunities for all’

This short guide introduces the topic of Inclusive Growth, explaining what it is and how it can be applied to Town Investment Plans. It provides practical advice and case studies on how to account for Inclusive Growth within the Towns Fund context.

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Mitigating the impacts of COVID-19

This short learning burst, presented by Katie Wood our Health & Wellbeing expert, provides key information on how to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19

This short learning burst, presented by Katie Wood our Health & Wellbeing expert, provides key information on how to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. In the video, Katie discusses the impacts that are being felt across the country, and highlights priority areas for towns in mitigating these impacts. Katie provides real world context by using case study examples.

The slides are also available to download, below the video.

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Engaging Younger Audiences

This practical guide offers advice for Towns on how to engage younger audiences when drafting TIPs, developing business cases or delivering projects.

Every young person is unique with different needs and circumstances. Youth participation in projects is essential - now more than ever, young people are central to the economic recovery and stimulation of towns.

This short guidance note details the benefits of engaging younger people, and provides a variety of methods to undertake this engagement.

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Connectivity Investment & Digital Use Cases

This resource provides an overview for towns in regard to connectivity investment options and the digital use cases that can be enabled through connectivity infrastructure.

This resource provides an overview for towns in regard to connectivity investment options and the digital use cases that can be enabled through connectivity infrastructure.

Digital use cases have been linked to the Digital Blueprint to provide towns with a sense of the ‘art of the possible’. This resource can be used by Towns to inform town projects and investment plans.

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Engaging with Businesses

This guidance note provides nine practical ideas for Towns on how they can engage better with businesses, whether drafting TIPs, developing business cases or delivering projects and beyond.

From sole traders to multinationals, businesses are the lifeblood of a community. While some may have a long history in your town, others may be relative newcomers to the area. They can be contributors to the Towns Fund, or beneficiaries, as it seeks to galvanise local economies. Businesses should be at the heart of shaping and delivering Town Investment Plans (TIPs).

This guidance note provides nine practical ideas for Towns on how they can engage better with businesses, whether drafting TIPs, developing business cases or delivering projects and beyond.

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Social Value 101

This guidance introduces the topic of social value, and provides an insight into what social value is in development and infrastructure projects

With significant Towns Fund investment planned matched with potentially socio-economic challenges exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis, there is now more than ever a need/opportunity for development and infrastructure projects to create additional social value over their lifecycle and help to rebuild local economies.

This document provides an insight into what social value is in development and infrastructure projects and seeks to answer the following questions:

  • What is driving the need to articulate and deliver social value

  • How to define social value in the built environment

  • How social value links to the Towns Fund’s outcome led approach and the Theory of Change

  • How social value can be set out in business cases and embedded in to all stages of a project’s life cycle

  • What to consider in social value impact measurement

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Health and Wellbeing Dashboard

In developing a robust Town Investment Plan it is important to consider how any intervention will impact and improve the health and wellbeing of the population. This dashboard includes a selection of key health and wellbeing measures.

In developing a robust Town Investment Plan it is important to consider how any intervention will impact and improve the health and wellbeing of the population. An understanding of the existing health and wellbeing performance of a Town and the surrounding area is therefore crucial.

The purpose of this dashboard is to assist in this process. Within this dashboard we have brought together a selection of key health and wellbeing measures. The lack of health and wellbeing data published at a local level makes it challenging to access Town level data on health and wellbeing. For this reason we have included local authority level data alongside the Town level data. In addition we have included a national average which helps to identify any specific challenges (or opportunities).

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What opportunities can ports bring to our towns?

In this video, our panel of experts discuss the opportunities that ports can bring to towns, as well as how towns can harness these.

The Maritime Sector is larger than other comparable transport industries in the UK, including Rail and Aerospace, and is only marginally smaller than the Road Transport industry. About 20 of the Towns Fund towns have a port, and all have an important part to play in our economy, whether that be supplying jobs or GVA contribution. We would like to form a working group amongst towns that have a port to enable learning, knowledge sharing and to work with our team of experts. In this video, Tom Bridges chats to four of our experts to understand the opportunities that ports can bring to towns, as well as how towns can harness these.

Our speakers include Borbala Trifunovics and Clon Ulrick from Arup’s Maritime Team, Arthur Smart from Arup’s Urban Design Team, and Kieron Hyams from Arup’s Planning Team. Kieron has also written a blog to outline the opportunities that ports can bring to towns.

We hope you enjoy the video and get in touch with your town coordinator if you would like a bespoke session with our experts or if you would like to be part of a working group.

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Lighting & Regeneration

This short learning burst looks at the role of lighting in supporting town centre regeneration and economic recovery, and includes real life examples of how to use lighting to overcome key challenges that towns may face.

Light is vital and fundamental to our daily existence, linking cultural, economic, social and political aspects of our global society. This short learning burst looks at the role of lighting in supporting town centre regeneration and economic recovery, and includes real life examples of how to use lighting to overcome key challenges that towns may face.

The slides for this presentation are also available for you to download.

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Taking Account of Net Zero in your TIP

This guidance note seeks to provide towns with an overview of net zero, offering practical advice on how to incorporate decarbonisation into towns’ investment propositions

In June 2019, the UK parliament passed legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero by 2050.

Since 2018, over 280 UK Local Authorities have declared a Climate Emergency, many of which house the 100 Towns of the Towns Fund programme. These Local Authorities, and others, will be in the process of developing plans to deliver net zero (production-based) carbon emissions by 2030 – 2050.

This guidance note seeks to:

  • Provide towns with an overview of what ‘net zero’ means in the context of their Town Investment Plans.

  • Offer practical guidance on how to incorporate decarbonisation into towns’ investment propositions and TIP as a whole.

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An Introduction to Fire Safety

This note sets out some key considerations to assist you in embedding fire safety in your TIP and business case.

A series of major fire events in tall residential and heritage listed buildings, with high numbers of casualties, extensive damage to people’s homes and continued threat to livelihoods highlights the need for fire safety to be considered carefully at local government and national level from the outset.

Due to its specific and technical nature, fire safety is not likely at the front of your mind as you develop your projects and feasibility for your TIP. This note sets out some key considerations to assist you in embedding fire safety in your TIP and business case.

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An Introduction to 5G

This guide provides an introduction to 5G and addresses some of the key questions that we have received from towns thus far.

In a year where everyone has relied on the internet more than ever shortcomings in existing networks have been under renewed scrutiny. At the same time, anticipation for 5G has continued to grow in many industries, in the hope that this will unleash new and better ways of doing things. So, is the revolution finally here? 

This guide provides an introduction to 5G and addresses some of the key questions that we have received from towns thus far.

In addition, this blog on Why 5G may be taking longer than we thought provides some useful context as to the delivery of 5G networks.

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An Introduction to Housing & Homelessness

This guidance document, produced by our expert Sally Caldwell, provides an introduction to housing and homelessness and provides the economic context to the topic.

Our Housing, Homelessness and Repurposing Buildings expert Sally Caldwell, has produced this introductory guidance document. The document provides a brief introduction to housing and homelessness. It aims to:

Help you think about whether housing is a significant element of economic development for your town

Help you navigate data on housing and homelessness, including what impact these issues have on economic development and the wider community

Make the links between housing and homelessness and other aspects of economic, social and environmental impacts

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An Introduction to Inclusive Environments

This webinar introduces the topic of Youth, Urban Childhoods and Inclusive Environments and discusses key issues around inclusive environment and engagement with children and young people.

This pre-recorded webinar introduces the topic of Youth, Urban Childhoods and Inclusive Environments and discusses key issues around inclusive environment and engagement with children and young people. It is intended to provide an overview to the topic and to help generate ideas to consider in preparation of Town Investment Plans.

Both the video, and the presentation slides are available below.

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A Guide to Financial Metrics

This guidance note aims to support the Towns to think through how different types of measures can be used to assess success for their intended outputs and outcomes.

The purpose of this guidance note is to support the Towns to think through how different types of measures can be used to assess success for their intended outputs and outcomes.

It enables Towns to understand which measures are best suited to their needs dependent upon the interventions proposed and the context of their place. This will allow them to not only prepare a TIP which considers the preferred option(s) but allows them to consider a suite of scenarios as part of their internal thinking.

The guidance note will provide information for each key financial metric, including:

  • A brief description

  • ‘What good looks like’

  • Opportunities for Towns to present their view on specific metrics

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An Introduction to Strategy Planning

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview for towns to develop their strategy for their Town Investment Plan.

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview for towns to develop their strategy for their Town Investment Plan.

The information is intentionally presented at a high level. Please contact your Town Coordinator if you require more detailed strategy support or to request more detailed guidance or workshops in this area.

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Project Prioritisation Tool

This updated tool aims to help towns ensure that the projects put forward for further appraisal fit the Town’s objectives and MHCLG’s requirements. This version supersedes the previous version uploaded to the website.

NB: This is an updated version of the previously provided tool

This Project Prioritisation Tool aims to help towns ensure that the projects put forward for further appraisal fit the Town’s objectives and MHCLG’s requirements.

The tool will help you to prioritise a long list of projects, taking you through two stages of assessment to score the projects against a set of town specific criteria, and Green Book appraisal criteria.

The recent blog posts Project Prioritisation 101 and From long list to short list provide some guidance on how to use this tool, but please do read the ‘Overview READ ME’ tab of the Excel prior to using the tool, as this provides a thorough explanation as to how the tool works.

If you have any issues accessing or using the tool, please contact your town coordinator.

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An Introduction to Theory of Change

This short video presentation will provide you with an introduction to “Theory of Change” – what it is and why it matters for your Town Investment Plan

This short session will provide you with an introduction to “Theory of Change” – what it is and why it matters for your Town Investment Plan. Please find a recorded video and presentation slides below.

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An Introduction to Education, Skills & Enterprise

Our Education and Skills team have provided an introductory guide, highlighting the key considerations for towns when designing projects.

Our Education and Skills team have provided an introductory guide, highlighting the key considerations for towns when designing projects.

The guide has been designed to help towns consider education and skills in supporting and driving forward their TIP ambitions, as well as reflect upon the intrinsic link between skills and employment, and the role of skills development in enabling learning opportunities.

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