Youth, Urban Childhoods and Inclusive Environments

Inclusive design is vital to the resilience and success of our town centres. It is a methodology that enables everyone, regardless of their situation, to participate. Understanding what can prevent people participating, in both the physical and digital world, helps us to create better designs. Designing inclusively ensures that the built environment is accessible and maximises independence for all users.

As our town centres increasingly focus on providing experiences as well consumption, we need to shape visions and aspirations that reflect the broadest range of users to create meaningful stories of place. Engagement with youth and young people can help develop sustainable urban proposals that reflect the needs of future generations. We are here to support you on understanding how to engage with young people and how to create inclusive environments within your towns.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • advice and support on urban childhoods, child friendly cities, design solutions for young people, and developing inclusive environments

  • design workshops

  • access to online seminars, surgeries and direct 1-1 support


Topic Lead: Sophie Camburn

A masterplanner and architect, Sophie leads the Integrated City Planning team for the West, covering the Solent region, including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole BC, Bristol and the South West.

Previously Sophie was based in London, where she led a range of international and UK masterplanning projects including the Regeneration Strategy for Tottenham following the 2011 riots. This included engagement with local young people to inform proposals and build community skills and capacity.

Sophie has over twenty years’ experience leading large, design led, complex, mixed-use regeneration and placemaking strategies with sustainable placemaking at their core. Sophie provides design leadership and advisory services to both public and private sector clients from vision and concept though statutory planning processes to delivery.

Sophie is a skilled communicator who drives design excellence and deliverable outcomes on projects through collaborative working and inclusive engagement.

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