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Local Economic Development, Education and Skills

Tom Bridges

Your projects should be embedded within the context of an evidence-based local economic development strategy to maximise impact. Furthermore, we are here to support you in understanding how your projects can consider future learning, skills development, and employment opportunities.

We are here to support you to better understand the context, needs, strengths and opportunities in your town and translate your TIP into a robust business case. Appropriate evaluation of your investment programme will also be essential to understanding whether you have realised your intended strategic objectives.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • context assessments, research and analysis using data analysis, GIS and spatial analysis

  • baselining workshops and statistical skills support, including training and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data of the primary economic and labour market factors

  • market analysis and foresight workshops

  • support in designing and developing tailored projects and programmes for e.g. business support, innovation, inward investment and skills

  • developing and workshopping evaluation frameworks

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online

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Service Lead: Tom Bridges

Tom is an experienced professional in town and city strategies, urban and regional policy and planning, transport, economic development, economic analysis, regeneration, and town and city operations. He is a thought leader with strong communication skills and a track record of delivery, working across the public and private sectors.He is a chartered member of the RTPI.

Tom leads Arup’s Cities Advisory practice, advising on town, city and regional strategies for economic development, inclusive growth, infrastructure, skills and innovation. He supports clients on funding and finance, socio-economic advice, housing growth, regeneration programmes and town and city strategies.

Tom has 22 years' professional experience and re-joined Arup in January 2018. He was Chief Officer for Economy and Regeneration of Leeds City Council from 2012-2018, leading the policy, business support, tourism and inward investment, city and town centre management, markets, property, and regeneration functions. Tom was with Arup from 1999-2012, leading the Planning, Policy and Economics practice in the North of England. He advised on several town-based economic strategies for MHCLG. He started his career with London First, the business-led policy group for the capital.

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