Using a strapline for your Towns Fund and Future High Streets Fund projects

Now that your Towns Fund and Future High Streets Fund projects are getting underway, we can confirm there is now an authorised strapline to describe them on your websites, hoardings and other promotional material.  

When describing any of these projects, please use the following wording and alongside project, HM Government and other authorised logos: 

For Towns Fund projects 

“[Insert name of project], Supported by the Towns Fund”. 

For Future High Streets Fund projects:  

“[Insert name of project], Supported by the Future High Streets Fund”. 

For projects receiving both Towns Fund and Future High Streets Fund funding 

“[Insert name of project], Supported by the Towns Fund and Future High Streets Fund”. 

Please refer to MHCLG’s Communications and Branding Guidelines on the use of logos here.  

Further Towns Fund Delivery Partner guidance on building a strong brand for your Town projects can be found here

Please get in touch with your Town Coordinator if you have any specific branding and communications advice needs.


‘Measuring Impacts’ Workshop Series


Towns Fund Delivery Partners contract extension