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Pipeline Tracking Routemap

Having a clear strategic overview of proposed projects can put Towns in a stronger position to realise their ambitions. This portfolio view can be used in several ways, including to create consensus around possible future interventions and to engage with politicians, prospective investors and other key stakeholders to continue to bring vision to reality.

The Towns Fund Delivery Partner has designed this simple Portfolio Template and Dashboard to help you set out your pipeline of potential projects and to look at these through different lenses.

The spreadsheet includes a page with instructions and definitions to help you use the Template and Dashboard. You will also find a short tutorial video below.

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Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Commercial Models and Attracting Investment

This paper provides guidance on considerations for Towns on the commercial structure of a project for which they have received a Towns Fund allocation. It provides this information in the context of understanding the structure and content of a Business Case.

Drawing on experience of running HM Treasury’s Better Business Case (BBC) training for circa 80 regeneration officers from the 101 Towns involved in the Towns Fund programme, and for members of the central DLUHC team, including the common questions raised, this guidance specifically considers the commercial case in parallel with the use of private / alternate financing.

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Match Funding Guidance

Towns have successfully submitted their Town Investment Plans and have prepared, or are currently preparing, Business Cases for their interventions. As part of the preparation of these Business Cases, Towns need to consider all the sources of funding and how these sources will be used to deliver their interventions.

This short note sets out guidance on match funding, and more widely co-funding, for Towns as part of the production of Business Cases for the projects that were allocated Towns Fund funding. While it is not an exhaustive or fully comprehensive note, it aims to support the development of the Business Cases and decision making of Towns.

It should be noted that a degree of judgement will still need to be applied by Towns on a case-by-case basis when explaining how match funding has been achieved. We have included some examples at the end of this guidance.

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