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TIP Part 2: Your questions answered

Following the workshops held by TFDP on TIP Part 2, we have collated the key questions asked by Towns during these sessions and provided answers.

On 6 and 11 January 2021, TFDP held two workshops on TIP Part 2. We have collated the key questions asked by Towns during these sessions and provided answers, to aid Towns in the completion of their Town Investment Plans.

Our previous guide on the Top Recommendations for TIP Part 2 can also provide further guidance.

If you require further support in completing your TIP, we can also offer a one-to-one session with any of our experts. In order to request an hour with an expert, please complete the Expert Drop-in Hour request form found on the TFDP website, or discuss with your Town Coordinator.

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10 Recommendations for TIP Part 2

This note sets out some pointers for completing Part 2 TIPs which will help towns to ensure that they are using them to make as strong a case as possible for each proposed investment.

There are two parts to every TIP, and the Part 2 spreadsheet templates form a very important part of the submission to MHCLG. This is where towns are required to provide details of each proposed project, set out the funding sources and expected outputs/outcomes, and provide some of the key evidence around the work undertaken to date.

This note sets out some pointers for completing Part 2 TIPs which will help towns to ensure that they are using them to make as strong a case as possible for each proposed investment.

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Evidence in your TIP: Health & Wellbeing

This document sets out some key evidence towns can call upon to support links between the built environment and health and wellbeing.

This document sets out some key evidence towns can call upon to support links between the built environment and health and wellbeing. The aim is to provide a brief overview and introduction for different environmental factors that influence health to help towns evidence the health benefits of their projects or support the overall approach in their vision and strategy.

This document should be read alongside the blog Boost your TIP: Health & Wellbeing.

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Taking Account of Net Zero in your TIP

This guidance note seeks to provide towns with an overview of net zero, offering practical advice on how to incorporate decarbonisation into towns’ investment propositions

In June 2019, the UK parliament passed legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero by 2050.

Since 2018, over 280 UK Local Authorities have declared a Climate Emergency, many of which house the 100 Towns of the Towns Fund programme. These Local Authorities, and others, will be in the process of developing plans to deliver net zero (production-based) carbon emissions by 2030 – 2050.

This guidance note seeks to:

  • Provide towns with an overview of what ‘net zero’ means in the context of their Town Investment Plans.

  • Offer practical guidance on how to incorporate decarbonisation into towns’ investment propositions and TIP as a whole.

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An Introduction to Theory of Change

This short video presentation will provide you with an introduction to “Theory of Change” – what it is and why it matters for your Town Investment Plan

This short session will provide you with an introduction to “Theory of Change” – what it is and why it matters for your Town Investment Plan. Please find a recorded video and presentation slides below.

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Including Health and Wellbeing in Your TIP

This document sets out some high-level considerations for health and wellbeing as you develop your TIP.

It also sets out a format for engaging more in-depth with health and wellbeing in your TIP development, if you require 1-to-1 support in this area.

The Towns Fund Delivery Partner will be able to help you incorporate health and wellbeing into your Town Investment Plan through:

  • Providing web content and blogs on the website

  • Hosting group workshops with towns

  • Providing 1-to-1 support, as requested through your Town Coordinator

This document sets out some high-level considerations for health and Wellbeing as you develop your TIP. It also sets out a format for engaging more in-depth with health and wellbeing in your TIP development, if you require 1-to-1 support in this area.

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Foresight Guidance

How do you make sense of the range of evidence to inform the development of your town strategy, to ensure it is robust, credible and has the support of the stakeholders? This guide provides information to support your TIP.

How do you make sense of the range of evidence to inform the development of your town strategy, to ensure it is robust, credible and has the support of the stakeholders?

This short guide highlights the evidence base supporting town strategies and TIPs. It provides information on:

  • how to use evidence to build a shared understanding amongst stakeholders of the issues;

  • how to consider the drivers for change impacting on your town; and

  • future scenarios on how your town can develop and change in the future.

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