Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Re:Imagining Retail

Re:Imagining Retail is a cross-sector collaboration of insights from Savills and peers from across the landlord, developer, planning and design space.

The accelerated evolution of retail is extraordinary. In 2020 we saw a shift in consumer behaviour like never before. These trends were already advancing, but too often ignored.

Re:Imagining Retail is a cross-sector collaboration of insights from Savills and peers from across the landlord, developer, planning and design space. In this publication, Savills have examined thought leadership and case studies through the lens of sustainable uses, sustainable repurposing, sustainable masterplanning, and sustainable funding and policy.

We are currently curating a series of blogs which explain the research paper in more detail, links for which can be found below:

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Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

An Introduction to Health and Wellbeing

Katie Wood our Health and Wellbeing expert, has curated a introductory reading list in which she has identified key documents that introduce and explore the ways in which the built environment can have a positive effect on our Health and Wellbeing. It should provide inspiration and relevant reading relating to how you can incorporate Health and Wellbeing into your TIP.

Katie Wood our Health and Wellbeing expert, has curated a introductory reading list in which she has identified key documents that introduce and explore the ways in which the built environment can have a positive effect on our Health and Wellbeing. It should provide inspiration and relevant reading relating to how you can incorporate Health and Wellbeing into your TIP.

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