Health and Wellbeing

On average, people are living longer, more urban and more digitally connected lives than ever before. But this does not result in improved health and wellbeing for all. In fact, health inequalities in England have been widening, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the situation. The focus is shifting to the wider determinants of health. How towns and buildings are planned, designed, built, operated and experienced can make a significant contribution to people’s health and wellbeing.

Business Cases will need to clearly identify the ways in which the proposed projects will achieve the outcomes identified in the TIP, referencing data to identify the specific cohorts of the local population who will achieve health and wellbeing benefits. They will need strategies for realising these health and wellbeing benefits, including working with delivery partners. Finally, they will need a key performance indicator framework to measure the achievement of the targeted health and wellbeing benefits.

We are here to support you in advising on how to integrate health and wellbeing into your projects, including:

  • advice on strengthening your business cases by including health and wellbeing benefits

  • support to identify key performance indicators to monitor and evaluate health and wellbeing impacts

  • advice on project implementation, including delivery partners

  • online seminars, surgeries and direct 1-1 support

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Topic Lead: Katie Wood

Katie has successfully led the development of strategy, business cases, planning and delivery for a wide variety of healthcare programmes and projects across the UK, Australia and Canada.

Her work has led to consideration of the wider determinants of health, and advice on how the built environment supports health and wellbeing overall. Katie focuses on the complex interactions between buildings, the urban environment, operational processes, digital technology and people, to realise greater social value from capital developments.

Her project experience includes:

  • business cases, planning, design and implementation for large, complex healthcare facility and health and wellbeing led developments;

  • advising on how the built environment can improve health and wellbeing, at both individual building and city levels; and

  • transformational change covering organisations, people, processes and digital systems.

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