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Successfully Partnering for Health and Wellbeing Projects

This guidance document aims to assist Towns in understanding the typical local partners that can be drawn upon to enhance their Business Cases for Health and Wellbeing projects.

To effectively deliver Health and Wellbeing projects many Towns will need to seek out partnerships with others. This guidance document aims to assist Towns in understanding the typical local partners that can be drawn upon to enhance their Business Cases for Health and Wellbeing projects.

The guide provides an overview of the different types of partners, and uses real-life case studies to showcase the benefits of partnering.

If you would like to discuss the contents of this guide further with our Health and Wellbeing Experts, please book in a meeting using the Expert Drop-in Hour service.

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Evidence in your TIP: Health & Wellbeing

This document sets out some key evidence towns can call upon to support links between the built environment and health and wellbeing.

This document sets out some key evidence towns can call upon to support links between the built environment and health and wellbeing. The aim is to provide a brief overview and introduction for different environmental factors that influence health to help towns evidence the health benefits of their projects or support the overall approach in their vision and strategy.

This document should be read alongside the blog Boost your TIP: Health & Wellbeing.

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Mitigating the impacts of COVID-19

This short learning burst, presented by Katie Wood our Health & Wellbeing expert, provides key information on how to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19

This short learning burst, presented by Katie Wood our Health & Wellbeing expert, provides key information on how to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. In the video, Katie discusses the impacts that are being felt across the country, and highlights priority areas for towns in mitigating these impacts. Katie provides real world context by using case study examples.

The slides are also available to download, below the video.

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Including Health and Wellbeing in Your TIP

This document sets out some high-level considerations for health and wellbeing as you develop your TIP.

It also sets out a format for engaging more in-depth with health and wellbeing in your TIP development, if you require 1-to-1 support in this area.

The Towns Fund Delivery Partner will be able to help you incorporate health and wellbeing into your Town Investment Plan through:

  • Providing web content and blogs on the website

  • Hosting group workshops with towns

  • Providing 1-to-1 support, as requested through your Town Coordinator

This document sets out some high-level considerations for health and Wellbeing as you develop your TIP. It also sets out a format for engaging more in-depth with health and wellbeing in your TIP development, if you require 1-to-1 support in this area.

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An Introduction to Health and Wellbeing

Katie Wood our Health and Wellbeing expert, has curated a introductory reading list in which she has identified key documents that introduce and explore the ways in which the built environment can have a positive effect on our Health and Wellbeing. It should provide inspiration and relevant reading relating to how you can incorporate Health and Wellbeing into your TIP.

Katie Wood our Health and Wellbeing expert, has curated a introductory reading list in which she has identified key documents that introduce and explore the ways in which the built environment can have a positive effect on our Health and Wellbeing. It should provide inspiration and relevant reading relating to how you can incorporate Health and Wellbeing into your TIP.

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