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National Strategic Brief: Climate Change

The purpose of this document is to support towns in the preparation of their TIP to ensure that there is a consideration of climate change.

The purpose of this document is to support towns in the preparation of their TIP to ensure that there is a consideration of climate change – both its potential impacts and the actions that can be taken to reduce local emissions.

In light of the UK government’s 2050 ‘Net Zero’ commitment in 2019, there are significant regulatory and policy changes in the pipeline which are anticipated to be announced in the coming year.

Towns should develop their TIPs taking due regard of these commitments as they will likely impact upon all areas of local development such as building regulation, local infrastructure requirements e.g. electric vehicle charging and resident behaviour.

Towns should explore each of the documents included in the briefing note, considering how they will impact their TIP vision as well as how they can support the delivery of the UK-wide ambition to be net zero by 2050.

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Taking Account of Net Zero in your TIP

This guidance note seeks to provide towns with an overview of net zero, offering practical advice on how to incorporate decarbonisation into towns’ investment propositions

In June 2019, the UK parliament passed legislation requiring the government to reduce the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero by 2050.

Since 2018, over 280 UK Local Authorities have declared a Climate Emergency, many of which house the 100 Towns of the Towns Fund programme. These Local Authorities, and others, will be in the process of developing plans to deliver net zero (production-based) carbon emissions by 2030 – 2050.

This guidance note seeks to:

  • Provide towns with an overview of what ‘net zero’ means in the context of their Town Investment Plans.

  • Offer practical guidance on how to incorporate decarbonisation into towns’ investment propositions and TIP as a whole.

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You’ve declared a Climate Emergency…Next steps: Transport

This guide focuses on practical actions towns can take now to encourage sustainable transport, while creating social, economic, and health benefits for residents.

Excessive car-dependence is a critical component of many challenges towns in the UK are facing, including the impact of climate change, the health and well-being of people, and the vibrancy of neighbourhood and town centres. This guide focuses on practical actions towns can take now to encourage sustainable transport, while creating social, economic, and health benefits for residents.

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Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

You’ve declared a Climate Emergency...what next?

Many of the 100 towns have declared a climate emergency, and the Towns Fund Guidance issued by MHCLG states that “clean growth represents a huge opportunity for the UK economy, and is a core principle of the Towns Fund.” This short guide helps break down the challenge of tackling climate change, based on our experience of helping local authorities around the world to develop and deliver effective climate action plans.

Many of the 100 towns have declared a climate emergency, and the Towns Fund Guidance issued by MHCLG states that “clean growth represents a huge opportunity for the UK economy, and is a core principle of the Towns Fund.” This short guide helps break down the challenge of tackling climate change, based on our experience of helping local authorities around the world to develop and deliver effective climate action plans.

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