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Total Towns Outcome Framework

The Total Towns Outcomes Framework is a tool to help you think holistically about the longer-term factors and considerations in shaping a thriving, healthy and economically-sustainable place.

To aid you in the request for all towns to complete the Total Towns Outcome Questionnaire, the Total Towns Outcomes Framework is a tool to help you think holistically about the longer-term factors and considerations in shaping a thriving, healthy and economically-sustainable place.

We’ve aligned this framework with MHCLG’s requirements for assessing Town Investment Plans and agreeing deals. We recognise many of the outcomes this framework references go beyond the lifespan of the Towns Fund programme. We therefore hope that it provides you with a way of framing the medium- to longer-term aspirations for your town. You should use it to identify the people, skills and investment you’ll need to achieve these aspirations.

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General Content Editor General Content Editor

Towns Fund Prospectus

"On 6 September 2019 the government invited 100 places to develop proposals for a Town Deal, as part of the £3.6 billion Towns Fund.

In the prospectus we explain how towns can prepare for a Town Deal, as part of a 2 stage process. We want to see Town Deal Boards established, with investment priorities and project proposals then set out in a locally-owned Town Investment Plan. Proposals should drive long term economic and productivity growth through investment in connectivity, land use, economic assets including cultural assets, skills and enterprise infrastructure.

We are also giving details of the funding we are providing to unitary councils, metropolitan borough councils, and district councils, to assist with the development of proposals."

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