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Looking ahead to Project Initiation

This event has expired. A recording of the event can be found below.


As Towns develop business cases for their projects, they will need to start thinking about how to deliver these and set up for success to initiate the projects. 

To help you think about this, during this session we will look at:

  • The basic project lifecyle

  • What help and standards are available

  • Setting up for success:

    • Governance

    • Project management

    • Sponsorship

    • Commercials and

    • Deliverability

  • What a plan for this might contain

There will be a question and answer session at the end to aid understanding and explore what these items might look like in your own context.

About the speaker:

Alistair is a leading professional in project and programme management and brings 35 years of experience in programme management and controls. He is an expert in assurance, intelligent clienting, and capability development and is keen to help you ensure your projects have the right environment to deliver, and the right mechanisms in place to realise their benefits.

11 January

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Monitoring & Evaluation Framework