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Monitoring & Evaluation Framework

This event has expired. A recording of the webinar can be seen below.


As places move into the delivery phase of the fund, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) will be a key aspect to ensure we can track the progress of the fund and the projects it is delivering. It will also provide the opportunity to start learning about the impacts of interventions being delivered in places.

This session will provide a high-level introduction to the planned M&E work, covering the approach that will be taken, as well as scale and frequency. There will be time for the presenters to answer any questions you may have.

About the speakers:

Rob Turner leads on monitoring and evaluation for the Towns Fund Delivery Partner.  Rob has been involved and led on a broad range of evaluations from major regeneration and economic development programmes, to evaluations in the health, education and energy sectors. Rob managed the evaluation of the 2012 Olympic Games Legacy on behalf of the Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport (DCMS), one of the largest evaluations of its type undertaken.

Ben Millinchip is Head of Project Management for Integrity, a consultancy specialising in the design and implementation of research, monitoring and evaluation projects both in the UK and overseas. Since October, Ben and a small team have been working with MHCLG and the TFDP to design this M&E Framework.

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