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Regeneration, Public Realm, Place Design & Built Environment

Peter Neckelmann

For many of you, the built environment will be at the heart of your projects, and the town centre requires consideration in all deals. Furthermore, a well-designed and managed public realm can be an engine for one of the most precious parts of a thriving community – its social capital. We are here to support you in achieving a holistic and integrated spatial solution to your projects; our team includes urban designers, landscape architects and architects, amongst others, who can support your thinking on making the most of these projects.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • access to support material and guidance on world-class design principles

  • design charrettes or review workshops on town proposals with experts

  • workshops to develop design objectives and visions for projects

  • hands-on advice and support on issues such as options development, refining project design, defining outcomes and design narratives

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online

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Service Lead: Peter Neckelmann

Peter is an Architect and Urban Designer and has practiced professionally for 12 years. He has global experience with projects focussed particularly in the UK, Europe and Asia. As an Associate in Arup’s Integrated City Planning group, Peter frequently leads large, complex projects requiring the inter-disciplinary coordination between urban design, architecture, landscape, transport, engineering and sustainability. He has extensive experience in strategic framework development, masterplanning and local urban design solutions for both the private and public sectors.

Peter’s projects focus on the development of resilient places that deliver positive spatial, social and economic outcomes. He works in both urban and rural settings, including post-industrial brownfield sites, as well as greenfield sites. Much of his recent work looks at the integration of regional and national transport infrastructure and how it contributes to regeneration and meaningful placemaking.

Before joining Arup, Peter worked in offices such as Field Operations in New York City, and CEBRA in Aarhus, Denmark. His work has won awards and has been exhibited in Copenhagen, London, Beijing and the Venice Biennale, and has been published in several international publications.

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