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Project and Programme Management

Alistair Godbold

The TIP and Business Cases are just the start of the Towns Fund journey, the true impact and benefits for your town appear when your projects are completed. We are here to support you in thinking ahead to project delivery and lay the foundations for your future success in your Business Cases and in your preparations.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • providing you with a project and programme management viewpoint when developing your Business Cases, particularly the management case

  • supporting your preparation for successful project initiation and project delivery

  • helping you to identify the team and capabilities you’ll need to deliver

  • providing capability development, coaching, and mentoring for project/programme management and sponsorship

  • linking you and your Town Deal Board with local APM members who can bring their local knowledge and professional experience

  • learning bursts, workshops and seminars designed and delivered online



Service Lead: Alistair Godbold

Alistair is a leading professional in project and programme management. Alistair has been a long-standing member of the Association for Project Management (APM), has been Deputy Chair of the Board, and in 2014 was made an Honorary Fellow for his significant contribution to project management. He has also served as a director of the Major Projects Association (MPA) and is currently the UK Council Member on the International Project Management Association (IPMA).

Alistair brings 35 years of experience in programme management and controls and is an expert in assurance, intelligent clienting, and capability development.  He is keen to help you ensure your projects have the right environment to deliver, and the right mechanisms in place to realise their benefits.

Alistair has particular experience of training and mentoring for a large number of junior and senior project professionals and has contributed to many books and wrote part of the IPMA Competence Baseline for Project Management. He can help you and your team to hone your skills to deliver for your towns.

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