TFDP Business Case Template and Proportionality Guide

The Towns Fund Delivery Partner (TFDP) have prepared an optional business case template for the Towns Fund programme. This template should help towns establish a sound structure for their business cases in line with both government guidance and best practice.

This business case template is designed according to HM Treasury’s Five Case Model, as well as MHCLG’s Business Case Guidance for the Towns Fund programme . Furthermore, this business case template has taken into consideration the changes in guidance included in the latest version of the Green Book (2020). More details on the implications of the changes to the Green Book 2020 can be found on our 18th January TFDP blogpost.

In addition to the business case template, this document also provides the accompanying guidance and resource:

·       Summary Document: as part of the business case process, a Summary Document must be submitted to MHCLG. The Summary Document is mandatory, and must be approved by MHCLG before funding can be released.

·       Proportionality Guide: for each of the five cases, we set out key questions and considerations to help you gauge the level of detail required for your business case. At the end of the document, you can use the Proportionality Tool to assess where each business case falls on the scale of these key questions, which should help you understand the level of detail required for your business case.

Your business case should be adapted to your needs and specific cases. The accompanying ‘Proportionality Guide’ provides a useful starting point to help you consider the level of detail required for business cases of different values or levels of complexity.

There are three important things to note:

  1. This business case Template is optional. It should be useful as a guide and prompt in preparing your business cases, but it is not a requirement of MHCLG or TFDP.

  2. Towns are not required to submit their business cases to MHCLG unless it states so in their Heads of Terms agreement. Business cases are signed off locally, and should be prepared in line with local requirements and assurance processes. You should engage early with your representative from your accountable body (e.g., your S151 officer) to confirm what these requirements and processes are.

  3. Meeting Heads of Term conditions. Although the business case template is optional, Towns must ensure their business cases comply with the required conditions set out in their Heads of Terms offer. This may include carrying out the relevant Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and Environment Impact Assessment (EIA).

If you have any questions with regards to this template/guide or require further assistance, please speak to your Town Coordinator, or book an Expert Drop-in Hour with one of our Business Case and Delivery specialists.


Making the case for repurposing our town centres


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