Towns Resource Showcase
A recording of the meeting held on 8th June, where TFDP provided details of how our new programmes might benefit Towns over the coming months.

Working together on project assurance and signoff
This blog is intended to help Town Deal Boards and local officers consider their collective role, with s151 officers, in assuring and approving their Town Deal Business Cases.

Demonstrating options in your Business Cases
This blog outlines how Towns can provide evidence in your Business Cases of what optioneering has been undertaken for each of your projects.

The power of communities and transitioning to active engagement
A connected community can act as a powerful tool for project delivery. This blog explores ways in which you can bring your project to life through engagement.

Social Value in Stage 2
This blog provides an update on Social Value, including how it has been impacted by the Green Book 2020, and the new pilot Value Toolkit, launched in late April 2021 by the Construction Innovation Hub

The Queen’s Speech in summary: three key announcements
In this blog we highlight three announcements in the Queen’s Speech that Towns may want to explore further with their CLGU Area Leads.

Towns as resource hubs
As Towns refine projects and start developing their Business Cases, circular economy provides useful tools and inspiration to achieve the net zero targets set out in the Government’s Green Book.

Repurposing town centres to sustainabe uses
Many Towns have already explored this concept of reimaging retail in their Town Investment Plans. This blog extends these discussions to consider the potential for delivering flexible, blended uses in town centres to secure long term resilience for Towns.

Engaging with the Towns Fund: a guide for organisations
This blog provides information of how organisations can engage with the Towns Fund programme

A step towards Digital High Streets
As Towns embark on Stage Two, there are several projects focusing on High Street connectivity infrastructure, connected services, data collection and analysis, and digital retail. This blog discusses High Street and town centre trends and shares examples of deployed digital High Street interventions.

Introducing the Panel of Brilliant People
We are excited to announce the members of the Panel of brilliant people who are going to make a difference. As you will see in their short biographies below, the members represent a truly diverse range of backgrounds and viewpoints.

Explaining Why: The Theory of Change in your Business Case
As we move from plans to action, from strategy to delivery, there is a need for the business case to unpack the theory behind the change proposed in your TIP, in more detail.

Using Health Impact Assessments to improve your places
This blog offers ideas as to how Towns can consider, plan and evaluate your projects to maximise the positive health and wellbeing outcomes for the local population.

What Works Growth: Call for engagement on evidence and evaluation
The What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth (WWG) are looking for 10 – 12 places who are interested in working with us to maximise the economic impact of their Towns Fund projects.

Kicking off TFDP Business Case Festival
This blog introduces our Business Case Festival, taking place over 12 – 26 April.

Preparing your Board for Stage 2
This blog is aimed at Programme Leads who may have little experience of managing externally accountable boards and Town Deal Board Chairs looking for guidance about what is required of Boards during Stage 2.

Unpacking the red box
This blog provides a brief guide to the key place-focused announcements in this month’s Budget

Addressing your HoT conditions - Planning requirements
This blog provides advice on how to address conditions set out in your Town Deal Offer, which may relate to obtaining the requisite planning approvals.

Now you’ve got your funding offer – what’s next?
This blog provides some tips on re-prioritising your projects as you head into business case development and ultimately project delivery.