Supporting Towns at Every Stage
It has been an exciting few weeks for all of us involved in the Towns Fund programme. This blog provides an update from the TFDP central team.

Renewed onus on towns in levelling-up our nation
Wayne Butcher, one of our experts, attended the virtual Great Northern Conference last week and has shared the key discussion points and insights from the event.

Meanwhile Use to Create Permanent Change
This blog explores four approaches for integrating Meanwhile Use in Town Investment Plans.

Understanding Local Health and Wellbeing
It is important to realise that there is more to health than illnesses and healthcare provision. This blog explores the other indicators of health and wellbeing that should be considered.

Maximising the relationships between Ports and Towns
This blog post considers the benefits that a port can bring to a town, from an operational, relational and catalytic perspective.

Round up of Resources
This is a one-stop-shop for all currently available resources, providing a list of key content under each service and topic.

Key Considerations for Security in your TIP
Security often receives a lot of attention following major attacks, but we need a regular and ongoing commitment to security planning and design in public projects. This blog provides advice on how to design out terror attacks.

The Future of Digital High Streets
Ahead of the Digital High Streets workshop on 21st October, this blog introduces the topic of Digital High Streets, and how towns can ensure a comprehensive coverage of connected services as we move into a more digital world.

Making the most of Social Media
This blog explores the benefit in using social media effectively and provides five golden rules to make the most of social media platforms.

Talk of the Town: The power of place-based storytelling
Our partners at Carnegie UK Trust present their thoughts on the power of storytelling, with key examples and links through the text.

Bridging the Digital Divide
This blog by our stakeholder engagement expert James Gore presents ideas of how to ensure that your engagement plans are accessible and appropriate to all, include digital newcomers.

Promoting economic recovery and addressing the Climate Emergency through your TIP
As central government announces green economic recovery interventions to support a net zero target, the time is right for towns to establish Clean Growth at the heart of your vision, strategy and investment plans.

What does the Planning White Paper mean for Towns Fund?
On 6 August, the Government launched Planning the Future, which sets out the biggest proposals for planning reform in decade. This blog by our Town Planning Expert, Chloe Salisbury, explores how this may effect towns in writing their TIPs.

Visual Tips to bring your project to life
There’s a reason we say ‘seeing is believing’. People are visual beings. What we see makes a more immediate impression than what we read and hear. That’s why telling your town’s story with pictures as well as words can give your Town Investment Plan (TIP) greater impact.

Protecting people in outdoor spaces
This blog, authored by Sarah-Jane Prew, one of our Crime and Security specialists, highlights the importance of considering how people interact with outdoor spaces in the Covid-19 context.

Top tips for top TIPs
Some common themes emerged from the Cohort 1 TIP Check and Challenge Sessions which we’d like to share with you all to incorporate into your TIPs as Cohort 2 and 3 progress over the coming months.

Digital Connectivity in a Post-Covid World
COVID-19 has exposed stark digital divides between communities. But what strategies should local authorities be looking at to make our recovery and expansion effective and inclusive?

Bold and Innovative Ideas for Your Town’s Vision and Strategy
This blog provides advice on how to identify bold and innovative ideas, considering the main opportunities and challenges in your town.

Project Prioritisation: From long list to short list
This blog entry provides an introduction of the sifting and assessment processes, giving towns guidance on how to move from a long list to a short list of projects.