Welcome to townsfund.org.uk

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An introduction from Joanna Rowelle

Welcome to townsfund.org.uk. We hope that you will find a rich amount of information and help here. As the Towns Fund Delivery Partner, our work will focus on one-to-one help and support, however this site has the added advantage of allowing you to access information you need at your leisure.

Over the coming months more information, ideas and research will be placed here. There will be online debates, masterclasses, and videos for you to view. There will be articles and evidence-based literature to read and a melting pot of ideas from the 100 towns that you can all draw upon. We are delighted to be working with you. We feel enormous privilege to be working alongside you and are eager to hear what you might need.

As you navigate through the site, do feel free to provide feedback via your dedicated Town Coordinator. Our role is to make this process easy and we want to ensure we are continually improving this tool alongside the expert advisors you will work with.

Our ultimate goal is to help you deliver the best Town Investment Plan you can. This will enable you to access the funds you need to leverage wider investment and create long term economic growth and prosperity for your businesses and communities.

Joanna Rowelle


Welcome from the Towns Fund Delivery Partner Central Team