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Innovation & Digital

Will Cavendish CBE

As we emerge from the COVID-19 lockdown, innovation and digital are both requirements and opportunities that will help Towns thrive. The requirement for modern digital infrastructure is key to developing prosperity and modern public services in the 21st century. Seizing digital and innovation opportunities can help towns engage in new ways with hard-to-reach groups, attract new businesses, repurpose existing assets, improve service delivery, meet sustainability goals, and much more besides.

We are here to support you in developing your projects and Business Cases in these areas.

The types of support we can offer includes:

  • support in planning and developing digital and innovation interventions

  • support in developing robust Business Cases for digital and innovation projects

  • access to online seminars, surgeries and direct 1-1 support

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Topic Lead: Will Cavendish CBE

Will is Arup’s global Digital Services Leader. He works with a wide range of clients to understand the potential of innovation and digital technologies to improve growth, regenerate cities and places, and improve the effectiveness of infrastructure.

Before joining Arup, he was Applied Strategy Lead at DeepMind, responsible for taking the world-leading breakthroughs taking place in Artificial Intelligence, and applying them for good in areas such as health and energy. Prior to that he was a senior civil servant and his roles included: Director General for Innovation, Growth and Technology at the Department of Health; Director General, International Energy and Climate Change at DECC; and head of the Prime Minister’s Implementation Unit, reporting directly to David Cameron and Nick Clegg.

As a result, he has wide-ranging experience of achieving change in areas such as digital, health, education, energy and climate change, cybersecurity, growth and innovation.

During his time in government, Will led the creation of the world's first network of What Works Centres, set up to provide proper evidence on effective uses of public money. He was also a LEP Senior Sponsor and was involved in a number of City Deals.

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