Crime and Security

All towns, crowded places and development projects need to take account of the risks of crime and terrorism. It is incumbent on planners, designers and project teams to address these risks and ensure that projects designed to enhance the town, do not inadvertently compromise safety and security. We are here to support you in understanding these risks and how your projects can mitigate them.

The type of support we can offer includes:

  • access to tools on how to manage COVID-19 recovery

  • support on evaluating mitigation measures to ensure that interventions and investments are targeted in the most effective way possible

  • access to online seminars, surgeries and direct 1-1 support

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Topic Lead: Ashley Reeve

Ashley is a dedicated security professional with over 30 years’ experience in security design, policy and regulation. Having worked as a security consultant across multiple sectors, he now specialises in offering expertise in crime and security related matters and takes pride in working with stakeholders to develop proportionate, risk-based solutions which are fully effective, but which blend in with the environment.

Ashley understands the importance of collaborative working with planners, design teams, emergency services and government security advisers to achieve creative yet robust risk-based security outcomes. He leads a team of international experts who have trained and worked with Police and Government, and whose specialist areas involve embedding security into the design of towns and cities, protecting crowded places from crime and terror attack, understanding behaviour in emergencies and how best to manage this, hostile vehicle mitigation and resilience.

The team have extensive experience in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), Security in Design of Stations (SIDOS) and Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM).

Prior to joining Arup, Ashley established an independent consultancy providing security advice to a range of clients worldwide. When working in the Department for Transport, he led security compliance and policy teams, and key initiatives such as the Threat Review programme following the 9/11 attacks.

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