Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Lighting & Regeneration

This short learning burst looks at the role of lighting in supporting town centre regeneration and economic recovery, and includes real life examples of how to use lighting to overcome key challenges that towns may face.

Light is vital and fundamental to our daily existence, linking cultural, economic, social and political aspects of our global society. This short learning burst looks at the role of lighting in supporting town centre regeneration and economic recovery, and includes real life examples of how to use lighting to overcome key challenges that towns may face.

The slides for this presentation are also available for you to download.

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Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Designing Inclusive Environments

How can we ensure our cities are comfortable, safe and accessible for everyone?

Designing inclusively ensures that towns are accessible for all users and maximises independence for disabled people.

Find out how we consider different people’s needs as we design a journey from the home to the cinema. This short video, a part of Arup’s series that explains important issues in towns and the built environment for children, simplifies the concept of inclusive design. It can be used in consultation and engagement when considering the projects in your Town Investment Plan.

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