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Net Zero Implementation Pathways: Cycling Infrastructure

The third in our series of Net Zero Implementation Pathways series, this document looks at the meaning of net zero in cycling infrastructure projects.

Road transport currently accounts for 22% of all carbon emissions in the UK and is a major contributor to poor levels of air quality. The UK will only meet its net zero 2050 target and address the climate emergency in a meaningful way if it supports a modal shift to green and active travel. This will be achieved by implementing the necessary infrastructure, schemes and monitoring frameworks in its towns and cities that promote convenience, affordability, and safety complimented with the shifts required in behaviour.

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You’ve declared a Climate Emergency…Next steps: Transport

This guide focuses on practical actions towns can take now to encourage sustainable transport, while creating social, economic, and health benefits for residents.

Excessive car-dependence is a critical component of many challenges towns in the UK are facing, including the impact of climate change, the health and well-being of people, and the vibrancy of neighbourhood and town centres. This guide focuses on practical actions towns can take now to encourage sustainable transport, while creating social, economic, and health benefits for residents.

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