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Sustainable Energy Brochure

This short brochure sets out the key steps to realise your sustainable energy aspirations as part of your Town Investment Plan.

Sustainable energy can make a contribution towards clean growth. Depending on the eventual interventions, sustainable energy projects are most likely to contribute to your Target Outcomes relating to local transport or urban regeneration.

In this short brochure we set out the key steps to realise your sustainable energy aspirations as part of your Town Investment Plan.

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Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Sustainable Growth Index

Looking beyond traditional measures of success, Grant Thornton’s Sustainable Growth Index provides key information to help you understand the performance of your town across six key outcomes.

The Towns Fund Further Guidance explicitly suggests that towns incorporate a focus on inclusive growth in order to reflect the fact that many of the towns face serious social and economic challenges.

In order to support discussion around this and to stimulate thinking, Grant Thornton’s Sustainable Growth Index provides a useful tool for analysing the different components that create successful places.  This document provides guidance on how to effectively use the Index.

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