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What opportunities can ports bring to our towns?

In this video, our panel of experts discuss the opportunities that ports can bring to towns, as well as how towns can harness these.

The Maritime Sector is larger than other comparable transport industries in the UK, including Rail and Aerospace, and is only marginally smaller than the Road Transport industry. About 20 of the Towns Fund towns have a port, and all have an important part to play in our economy, whether that be supplying jobs or GVA contribution. We would like to form a working group amongst towns that have a port to enable learning, knowledge sharing and to work with our team of experts. In this video, Tom Bridges chats to four of our experts to understand the opportunities that ports can bring to towns, as well as how towns can harness these.

Our speakers include Borbala Trifunovics and Clon Ulrick from Arup’s Maritime Team, Arthur Smart from Arup’s Urban Design Team, and Kieron Hyams from Arup’s Planning Team. Kieron has also written a blog to outline the opportunities that ports can bring to towns.

We hope you enjoy the video and get in touch with your town coordinator if you would like a bespoke session with our experts or if you would like to be part of a working group.

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