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Project Management Good Practice

This guide is intended to introduce the topic, and provide high level advice on the elements of project management. It sets out current best, or good practice that may be appropriate for Towns.

This guide is intended to introduce Towns to the basics of project management, and provide high level advice on the different elements of successful project management.

It sets out current best, or good practice that may be appropriate for Towns.

  • It can be used in the development of business cases

  • It can be used to develop the plans and ways of working

  • It will help you get your projects off to the best start

The guide also includes links to additional resources, such as guides, templates and good practice.

If you would benefit from more detailed support on any of the topics covered within this guidance you can book a one-to-one meeting with Alistair Godbold, our Project and Programme Management expert, using the Expert Drop-in Hour service.

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Introduction to Planning, EIA and HRA

This note provides Towns with a brief introduction to the planning, EIA and HRA requirements that may be relevant to your TIP projects.

Your Town Investment Plan Heads of Terms refer to securing required planning permissions and undertaking Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and/or Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) – what next?

This note provides Towns with a brief introduction to the planning, EIA and HRA requirements that may be relevant to your TIP projects. It provides a high-level guide for Towns of the steps they should go through to ensure that planning, EIA and HRA requirements are understood and are appropriately reflected in the individual business cases including the project programme.

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An Introduction to Fire Safety

This note sets out some key considerations to assist you in embedding fire safety in your TIP and business case.

A series of major fire events in tall residential and heritage listed buildings, with high numbers of casualties, extensive damage to people’s homes and continued threat to livelihoods highlights the need for fire safety to be considered carefully at local government and national level from the outset.

Due to its specific and technical nature, fire safety is not likely at the front of your mind as you develop your projects and feasibility for your TIP. This note sets out some key considerations to assist you in embedding fire safety in your TIP and business case.

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An Introduction to Environmental Monitoring & Impact Analysis

One of the principles of the Towns Fund is clean growth. Clean growth increase productivity, create good jobs, boost earning power for people right across the country, and help protect the climate and environment upon which we and future generations depend.

Towns are well placed to incorporate clean growth investment in their TIPs. Using an ‘outcome-let design process’ Towns should set clear objectives at the outset of their TIP to drive positive environmental outcomes and clean growth.

This document provides outcome ‘themes’ that Towns could consider in their TIPs. It provides example indicators that can be used to assess the effectiveness of the environmental objectives as well as signposting to key guidance documents and information resources.

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