Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Inclusive Growth Guidance

This short guide introduces the topic of Inclusive Growth, explaining what it is and how it can be applied to Town Investment Plans.

‘Inclusive growth is economic growth that is distributed fairly across society and creates opportunities for all’

This short guide introduces the topic of Inclusive Growth, explaining what it is and how it can be applied to Town Investment Plans. It provides practical advice and case studies on how to account for Inclusive Growth within the Towns Fund context.

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Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Cycling for Everyone

Cycling is an ideal way to get around our towns – for work, shopping, education, leisure etc. But unfortunately at the moment many people are excluded from cycling. To help cycling become more inclusive in our towns, Arup, together with Sustrans, has produced this guidance with a number of recommendations that local councils can follow.

A guide for inclusive cycling in cities and towns

Cycling is an ideal way to get around our towns – for work, shopping, education, leisure etc. But unfortunately at the moment many people are excluded from cycling. To help cycling become more inclusive in our towns, Arup, together with Sustrans, has produced this guidance with a number of recommendations that local councils can follow.  

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