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Addressing your Planning, EIA and HRA needs in your business case

This document provides an overview of some of the key actions associated with planning, EIA and HRA processes and outcomes that you should consider when preparing your business case.

The purpose of this document is to provide additional guidance in relation to addressing planning, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) needs within your Towns Fund business case. This document supplements the Introduction to Business Cases provided by the TFDP (here).

This document provides an overview of some of the key actions associated with planning, EIA and HRA processes and outcomes that you should consider when preparing your business case.

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Road to Delivery: Planning & EIA requirements

This guide sets out some of the planning and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) considerations that you might face during development of your business case and whilst progressing your projects.

The purpose of this Briefing Pack is to set out some of the planning and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) considerations that you might face during development of your business case and whilst progressing your projects. Projects may interface with the planning system and EIA requirements in different ways, and it will be important to understand what might be required to deliver such projects.  

The Briefing Pack is intended to provide an introduction to these issues to Town Deal Board members and local authority officers who do not have a background in planning and EIA. Please speak to your Town Coordinator if you believe you require further support, including bespoke advice on planning and EIA strategies. Advice can also be sought from your local planning authority.

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Introduction to Planning, EIA and HRA

This note provides Towns with a brief introduction to the planning, EIA and HRA requirements that may be relevant to your TIP projects.

Your Town Investment Plan Heads of Terms refer to securing required planning permissions and undertaking Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and/or Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) – what next?

This note provides Towns with a brief introduction to the planning, EIA and HRA requirements that may be relevant to your TIP projects. It provides a high-level guide for Towns of the steps they should go through to ensure that planning, EIA and HRA requirements are understood and are appropriately reflected in the individual business cases including the project programme.

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