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Covid Vulnerability Tool

This dashboard tool provides data of vulnerable groups for your town, that need to be considered carefully given the impacts of Covid-19.

In developing a robust Town Investment Plan (TIP) it is important to consider the potential impacts and implications of Covid-19. These impacts will be felt across multiple sectors, they will change how people live and work and they will shape consumer behaviour and trends.

The purpose of this tool is to assist in understanding the full impact of Covid-19 on your town, providing data on a range of indicators that start to describe an area’s vulnerability to the effects and impacts of Covid-19.

The dashboard has three tabs:

  • Introduction - an explanation of the purpose of the dashboard, and how to use it

  • Indicator explanation - definitions of different vulnerability indicators

  • Dashboard - the tool, presenting the data of vulnerable residents of your town in an easy to use dashboard format

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Sustainable Growth Index

Looking beyond traditional measures of success, Grant Thornton’s Sustainable Growth Index provides key information to help you understand the performance of your town across six key outcomes.

The Towns Fund Further Guidance explicitly suggests that towns incorporate a focus on inclusive growth in order to reflect the fact that many of the towns face serious social and economic challenges.

In order to support discussion around this and to stimulate thinking, Grant Thornton’s Sustainable Growth Index provides a useful tool for analysing the different components that create successful places.  This document provides guidance on how to effectively use the Index.

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