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Evidence in your TIP: Health & Wellbeing

This document sets out some key evidence towns can call upon to support links between the built environment and health and wellbeing.

This document sets out some key evidence towns can call upon to support links between the built environment and health and wellbeing. The aim is to provide a brief overview and introduction for different environmental factors that influence health to help towns evidence the health benefits of their projects or support the overall approach in their vision and strategy.

This document should be read alongside the blog Boost your TIP: Health & Wellbeing.

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Topics & Services Content Editor Topics & Services Content Editor

Engagement Evidence

A community and stakeholder engagement plan is a key requirement to building a strong Business Case and it is critical in demonstrating how you manage stakeholders during project delivery.

A community and stakeholder engagement plan is key to building a strong Business Case and it is critical in demonstrating how you manage stakeholders during project delivery.

It needs to show how you have engaged with people and how you will continue to engage as you work up business cases, and project delivery.

But you only have limited space, so what evidence should you include? This guide gives you some tips on what to include, and how to present it.

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