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How to account for COVID-19 in your baseline

In developing a robust Business Case it is important to consider how COVID-19 has impacted your Town and how best to capture this in your baseline. The purpose of this resource is to assist in this process.

In developing a robust Business Case it is important to consider how COVID-19 has impacted your Town and how best to capture this in your baseline. The purpose of this resource is to assist in this process.

Within this spreadsheet we have brought together a selection of key COVID-19 datasets that can be used to understand the impact of COVID-19 on your area. Please note that in most cases this data relates to the local authority level. There will of course be a number of other datasets that will need to form the baseline for your business case. These datasets have not been included here as timing means that will not yet reflect the impact of COVID-19 on your town.

How to use

The 'COVID-19 data resources' spreadsheet provides links to the data source along with supporting information on the data and suggestions on how it could be used in the Business Case. Information provided includes:

  • Theme: Overarching theme relating to Social, Economic, or Other

  • Source: Name of data source

  • Data: Type of data/indicators provided by this source

  • Publisher: Publisher of the data source

  • Frequency: How often the data is published

  • Spatial level: Lowest spatial level that the data is available at

  • Use: How the data can be used

  • Application to business case: Why the data is relevant to your Business Case and suggestions on how it could be used

  • Link: Hyperlink to the source of data

  • Notes: Any additional instructions on how to access from the data from the link

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