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Project Management Good Practice

This guide is intended to introduce the topic, and provide high level advice on the elements of project management. It sets out current best, or good practice that may be appropriate for Towns.

This guide is intended to introduce Towns to the basics of project management, and provide high level advice on the different elements of successful project management.

It sets out current best, or good practice that may be appropriate for Towns.

  • It can be used in the development of business cases

  • It can be used to develop the plans and ways of working

  • It will help you get your projects off to the best start

The guide also includes links to additional resources, such as guides, templates and good practice.

If you would benefit from more detailed support on any of the topics covered within this guidance you can book a one-to-one meeting with Alistair Godbold, our Project and Programme Management expert, using the Expert Drop-in Hour service.

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