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Workshop: Risk Assessment Tool

This event has now expired. A recording of the session can be found below.


Risk is an important factor when assembling the plans and towns will need to consider their assessment of risk to ensure that mitigations strategies are in place but equally stakeholders understand the exposure to them if assumptions change.

This workshop will include a short presentation, followed by a question and answer session to allow town members to share current issues and thoughts. This presentation will link into work around Vision and Strategy, Business Case Development and Project Prioritisation.

Please note that this event will be limited to 20 attendees. Please limit attendance to one person per town. If the event is oversubscribed, we will aim to deliver this workshop again. The main presentation of the workshop will be recorded to view on the website following the session.

About the speakers: Wayne Butcher & Rohit Rai

Wayne works on delivery of engagements to local and central government across property including housing, leisure, and mixed-use development schemes.

Rohit is specialist in business case development for large scale real estate and transport infrastructure projects. He has extensive knowledge of UK Green Book guidance for major projects, MHCLG guidance, HMT Managing Public Money and the Government’s Fiscal Framework. Rohit has worked in Grant Thornton for a year and a half after just under a decade of experience in the Department for Transport. This included leading business case development for Northern Powerhouse Rail and roles reviewing, advising and scrutinizing business cases within DfT’s Strategic Finance function on behalf of the Permanent Secretary.

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