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Measuring Social Value Impacts

This event has ended. A recording of the event and a copy of the presentation slides can be found below.


We invite you to join the sixth event in our ‘Measuring Impacts’ series. This series of workshops aims to provide you with more detailed guidance and support for measuring impacts in your Business Cases across six topic areas. During each session, the presenters will identify key resources and guidance to help you measure benefits and impacts in your Business Cases.

The session will include a short presentation, with plenty of time allowed for discussion.

This session, on Measuring social value benefits / impacts we will cover:

  • What is social value and how it relates to other benefits and impacts

  • When to account for social value benefits and impacts in the business case

  • How to identify and measure social value benefits and impacts

  • Methodologies for monetising social value benefits and impacts

  • Ensuring delivery and how to maximise social value benefits and impacts

About the speaker:

Maria Vitale is an experienced social value practitioner who works to maximise social value and socio-economic outcomes for communities through design, procurement and all other project stages. She co-authored the Institute of Economic Development’s research publication, ‘From the Ground Up – Improving the Delivery of Social Value in Construction’, was a contributor to UKGBC’s “Framework for Defining Social Value”, and has completed Social Return on Investment (SROI) training. She is currently the Framework Social Value Lead for Arup’s Strategic Partnership with Bristol City Council.

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