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Better Business Case Training

About this course

Better Business Cases™ is an initiative from HM Treasury and Welsh Government that aims to increase the skills of those involved in preparing or reviewing business cases.

The Better Business Cases™ training is made up of two parts, the foundation and practitioner levels. They are examined against HM Treasury's Green Book Guidance on Public Sector Business Cases Using the Five Case Model.

We are pleased to offer Towns the opportunity to complete the Foundation level. There are only 12 spaces available for this extensive two-day course, so it is likely that only one person per Town will be able to secure a place. However, we encourage anyone that is interested to register.

It should be noted that you must successfully complete the foundation level before attempting the practitioner level, which can be offered separately.

Foundation level

The Better Business Cases™ foundation level offers a comprehensive introduction to developing a business case using the 'Five Case Model' and HM Treasury's guidance.

Through tips and advice on good practice, pitfalls to avoid, mock exam questions, case studies and examples, you will gain:

  • insight into developing an effective business case that has public value at its core

  • the ability to better scope and plan investment decisions

  • the skills to develop a robust framework for transparent decision-making and quality spending proposals

  • a recognised qualification to relevant standards

Who is the course aimed at?

The Foundation level is aimed at everyone who needs an overall understanding of the process and who will be developing business cases, including:

  • decision-makers and senior responsible owners with responsibility for the successful delivery of programmes and projects

  • programme and project managers, project team members and their specialist advisers

  • those involved in the scrutiny and review of business cases

Course outline

Day One - Thursday 23rd September (9:00 - 16:30)

  • The need for the HM Treasury's guidance

  • The Better Business Cases™ Model

  • Developing iterative business cases

  • Strategic Outline Business Case

  • Outline Business Case

Day Two - Friday 24th September (09:00 - 14:30)

  • Full/Final Business Case

  • Examination preparation

  • Final plenary

Further details of this course can be found at the link below.

CIPFA's Better Better Business Cases™ Foundation course | CIPFA


About the trainer

Mark Williams BSc (Hons) Economics, FCA, CPFA

HM Treasury “Better Business Case” Trainer for Grant Thornton via CIPFA

Mark is a very experienced HM Treasury Better Business Cases (BBC) practitioner and trainer.  He has trained over 500 Public Servants through the BBC accredited training, including leading the business case training on the Cabinet Office’s Project Leadership Programme.  In Autumn 2020 Mark led the training workstream on the HM Treasury’s Green Book review, focused on “levelling up” and Net Zero.  As a practitioner, he has led on the development of business cases for local government regeneration schemes, new hospital developments, setting up new organisations and organisation transformation.

Mark also trains the certified Public Private Partnerships (PPP) professional course on behalf of CIPFA and has been active on a range of CIPFA boards for a long time.  His involvement with CIPFA, work on the Green Book review and historic role leading the Public Sector Industry training programme for a Big4 accountancy firm demostrate his passion for upskilling teams and experience in delivering training.

Registration for this event has now closed

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