TFDP returns to support the delivery stage
Joanna Rowelle
Peter Sutton
DLUHC Programme Delivery Lead
Joanna Rowelle and Peter Sutton welcome in the next stage of the Towns Fund.
We are delighted to announce that, working alongside the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Towns Fund Delivery Partner (TFDP) will be returning for an exciting final stage of the Towns Fund programme. Once again, we will provide support to the 101 Towns involved in the programme as you move into the project delivery phase.
The support provided by Towns Fund Delivery Partner (TFDP), which was originally designed to assist you in the development of your Town Investment Plans and project Business Cases, came to an end in November last year (2021).
However, your feedback upon the closure of the last stage highlighted the value you found in the TFDP programme, and many asked for continued support. We have listened to that feedback and designed a third and final stage of the programme which is designed to provide you with the training, knowledge, and connections you need to deliver projects into the future.
This includes:
Place Leadership Programme: As you move into project delivery, strong leadership on the part of Town Deal Boards and Chairs is critical. This updated coaching programme focused on place leadership will enhance your confidence and provide essential skills to motivate teams as you move into delivery.
Attracting Investment: Attracting and securing private sector investment is critical to your long-term success. This programme will build on the skills you have learned in previous stages to generate further investment in your communities.
Project and Progamme Management: As project teams move from Business Case approval to project delivery, the TFDP is here to support project teams effectively and efficiently navigate the transition.
Net Zero: The UK’s 2050 Net Zero target is among the greatest challenges and opportunities for new projects coming into delivery today. This integrated programme will help you build sustainability and decarbonisation considerations into projects from the outset.
Our targeted support teams will also continue to provide one-on-one and small group support, including:
Dedicated Town Co-ordinators
Targeted support from our services team
Expert Drop-In Hour
The feedback we received at the end of the last also stage highlighted the value that many Towns found from collaborating with, and learning from, one another. We will therefore also be focusing on leaving you with formal and informal networks to enable you to support one another after this programme ends.
Although the programme closes at the end of July 2022, our website, containing useful information to help you maximise the positive impacts of your projects, is here to stay. We intend to delve into exciting topic areas and give you the information you need.
We will be holding a webinar for the 101 Towns to discuss this stage on 9 March. Any Towns interested in attending should email [email protected] and we will issue an invitation in due course.
As we progress into this next stage, we look forward to working closely with you to help deliver your projects, leverage wider investment and create long term economic growth and prosperity for businesses and communities across the UK.