Towns Fund Communications and Branding Guidance

The ‘Towns Fund Communications and Branding Guidance’ sets out the communications requirements for projects funded by the Town Deals programme and the FHSF competition. This guidance document has been refreshed to be in line with the:

  • ‘Funded By UK Government Branding Manual’ (December 2022)

  • ‘Levelling Up Recipient Guidelines’ (June 2023)

All Towns Fund places (Town Deals and FHSF Competition) should use the ‘Levelling Up Recipient Guidelines’ for branding promotional and marketing materials. The ‘Towns Fund Communications and Branding Guidance’ references this, but serves as a broader guide for communications activity beyond branding. The document contains guidelines for:

  • Branding

  • Engaging with the Department on project milestones

  • Collaborating with the Department on strategic comms opportunities

  • Proactively organising and promoting Towns Fund interventions